Added funding up to minimum level.
Rationale: I give a good deal of weight to sweat equity / skin in the game, and Brad has this on Profit-for-Good like projects in spades. This incarnation doesn't run into one of the big structural problems that I forsee with building many Profit-for-Good businesses from the ground up. Specifically, there is no entity here with a deep treasury who is willing to run at a loss for a while to crowd out the P4G competitor. Rather, in this context, what the consumer is getting from the Commissions for a Cause agent is the same insurance product at the same price.
A remaining concern: The low barriers to entry make the model easy to copy if successful, so high-impact charities would likely be competing with US children's hospitals, animal shelters, and other very popular charities. Still, the insurance market is massive enough that capturing a sliver of value is still valuable, and I don't weight most non-high impact charities' value at zero.