Hello Vasco,
Great questions. I'll try and answer them as fully as I can. If you need further detail please follow-up.
How would the fibre produced by the machine by useful. The material would be used directly in the agricultural sector as a twine. String is an essential component of farming and globally we use 2.5 million tonnes of plastic based agri twine/string.
This picture of a zuccini farm in Peru shows how much fibre is used in tying up plants: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O7EUL2Y4eMnVlXSclUTseYqms_Awr8aG/view?usp=drive_link
Our cost model - assuming co-location with a nut oil or soy processing plant - indicates that fibre of sufficient quality could be produced in the $2.4-$3.5/kg range. This would make it cost competitive with imported HDPE, PA6 or PP products.
We forecast that for every $1000 spend on development and deployment, this solution would return ~$1400 per year in revenue. Given the 10year+ life of this equipment this would enable a significant long term benefit to the users with further upsides in skills, training, ecology and income diversification. In our view this initiative will deliver more for the communities over the medium (2yr) and long term (5yr+) horizons.