Isaac King
Evan Daniel
Explore a market structure that attempts to produce good probability estimates on highly-confident markets.
Saul Munn
Intercollegiate Forecasting Tournament
Six Projects in Search of an Investor - Details inside
Emmie Hine
There is a 70% chance that China will tie AI ethics into its Digital Silk Road, releasing a global AI ethics framework targeting developing countries.
Joshua Fleming
A weekly community livestream/discord call where top traders discuss the week's events on Manifold and live-bet with the audience on markets from new users
Max Morawski
Joris Kerkhoff
Automatically mirror popular questions from other platforms to Manifold
Robert Cousineau
Lets create a new defining addiction for Seattle!
Case Sandberg
Doing all the things
Will Peracchio
There is a 95% chance China will trade internationally with their eCNY CBDC an annual volume in excess of $50bn USD by 2028
Valentin Golev
Will Howard
Instead of saying "I want to bet $X on this market" you will say "I think the true probability is Y%", and it will tell you how much to bet
Jesús Francisco Quevedo Osegueda
An Add-on for easy access to Manifold´s Prediction Markets
Marcel van Diemen
Digestible alternative to brier scores & calibration charts, helping the public understand how good prediction markets are
"Just hand me markets to make bets on!"
More bots, better predictions!
David Rhys Bernard
I will pay 30 superforecasters to make forecasts of long-run treatment effects from randomised control trials
Rutger van Bergem
Complex Simulations of Novel Governance Designs with Multi-Agent LLMs