Tom O’Haire
Develop our Microfactory footprint - Establish if deployment to region is feasible - Deploy.
Oliver Klingefjord
Develop an LLM-based coordinator and test against consumer spending with 200 people.
Marine Lercier
The first and only open-access legal journal dedicated to disseminating and discussing animal rights law research
Ambreen Deol
RCT with predominantly Asian Indian population and literature review for understanding mechanisms of IF in relation to T2DM
Sophia Pung
Supplementing living expenses of a full stack dev to pursue educational opportunities while doing app development in Berkeley for a week.
Brad West
Profit for Good Initiative Project Enabling People to Buy Insurance and Fund Charities at no Extra Cost
Jessika Ava, MS, MPA
Catalyzing Global End to Factory Farming
Karl Yang
Retroactive grant for website & infra to display COVID vaccine availability
Leonard Barrett
Ammon Lam
Alisha Giri
Database for High-Impact Cost-Effective Organizations and Iniatives in Nepal
Berke Çelik
Catalyzing Local Talent for Global Health Impact
Stephen Skolnick
Why does the rate of Type 1 Diabetes vary more than 400x between the lowest- and highest-incidence parts of the world? Why does it vary 15x even across states?
Emily Kerr-Finell
An effective, replicable, self-sustaining model to sustainable economic success for migrants via microbusiness
Shreeda Segan
Beta testers loved our compatibility questions!
Jonathan Leighton
Obtain a large-scale overview of human and animal suffering, using intensity and duration data through surveys
Marisa Nguyen Olson
Curbing the growth and power of one of Big Ag’s worst offenders, JBS, through a corporate campaign targeting its clients, financiers, and regulators.
Seán Lynch
Starting with litter and plastic pollution, we are turning cleaning the planet into a game to unlock societies data collection and impact mapping capacity.
Astrid Prevost
Animal farmers' reconversion to build a better world
Max Hellier
A 1,600km cycle across Thailand reveals the burning season’s impact, with farmers’ heartfelt stories, expert insights, and a powerful call to action.