Isaac King
Evan Daniel
Explore a market structure that attempts to produce good probability estimates on highly-confident markets.
Six Projects in Search of an Investor - Details inside
N.C. Young
Everything Manifold-related that I'm doing on my own
Joshua Fleming
A weekly community livestream/discord call where top traders discuss the week's events on Manifold and live-bet with the audience on markets from new users
Joris Kerkhoff
Automatically mirror popular questions from other platforms to Manifold
Robert Cousineau
Lets create a new defining addiction for Seattle!
Case Sandberg
Doing all the things
Putting the "fold" in Manifold
Marcel van Diemen
Digestible alternative to brier scores & calibration charts, helping the public understand how good prediction markets are
"Just hand me markets to make bets on!"
Kenan Schaefkofer
Explore arbitrary AMM actions in a Manifold simulator
A weekly betting/market creating/bantering get-together on the Manifold Discord
More bots, better predictions!
Mick Bransfield
Markets of interest curated by prominent traders, academics, journalists, politicians, etc.
James Boswell
Remote Moderation
Attract more high school seniors anxious about their college admissions chances
Aleksandr Putilin
Two prediction market dating show with live betting
Ferhat Erdogan
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