@vascoamaralgrilo Thank you for your question. Feel free to also email me at monica@newrootsinstitute.org. We have not specifically encouraged New Roots Institute fellows to find roles in organizations supported by Open Philanthropy and the Animal Welfare Fund. You can get a sense of where some of our alums work on page ten of our annual report: https://24139523.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/24139523/Website/New%20Roots%20Institute%20_%202024%20Annual%20Report.pdf
Below are some of our observations regarding the need for allies in all fields.
1. Environmental organizations lack people who are effectively connecting their cause to factory farming.
a) While climate science points to animal agriculture as a major driver of climate change, advocacy in the climate space has long failed to focus efforts on promoting plant-rich diets.
b) Though awareness is growing, environmental groups are often resistant to dietary interventions because of entrenched social norms around animal product consumption within the groups themselves.
Those interested in bringing their advocacy into other professional spheres lack the skills and support to influence the people and structures in those spheres toward plant-rich diets.